"Hey, elk poop too!" - Rancher rationale for allowing thousands of cattle to saturate a national seashore with feces.
#ranching #feces #waste #poop #everyonepoops #elk #dairy #beef #livestock #planetpoop #pointreyes
There's a long list of private business expenses our tax dollars payoff on public land, but road repairs is one you probably never thought of. Road maintenance is one of many management expenses that fall on the park service, which means it is paid by tax dollars. The park roads endure a lot of traffic from tourists, but have you ever considered how wear and tear from standard vehicles stacks up against the trucks going in and out of the park with their shipments of cattle feed? How about the massive milk trucks? The combines? The cattle trucks. Manure trucks. Slaughter trucks. Any other large, agricultural vehicle? I haven’t specifically counted the trucks, but it has never been a challenge to get a picture of one, thus it seems they are ever-present. That’s the reality of large, agricultural businesses operating within a federally owned park. Whatever damages that heavy equipment is or isn’t causing, YOU are paying the repairs. #privatebusiness #publicland #traffic #maintenance #expenses #taxes #federalpark #nationalpark #wearandtear #haytruck #milktruck #feedtruck #manuretruck #cattletruck #combine #pointreyes #tourism
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This was once a dairy…
An inconspicuous sign just off Sir Francis Drake Boulevard in Inverness tells a wonderful tale of recovery. Today, a living, breathing, wetland filled with native plants and animals provides beauty, health, and even recreation for humans where once there stood a massive dairy ranch. Cut off from the natural ebb and flow, plants and animals disappeared. The soil became heavily polluted from sedimentation, manure, and other factors. The purchase of this land and the massive restoration effort that followed is a feel good story that puts a smile on almost anyone's face. Today the park service is dedicated to destruction in the name of profit for a few rather than recovery for the benefit of us all. I wonder if that sign on the side of the road will disappear now. It is evidence that today's park service contradicts itself.
#pointreyes #Inverness #giacomini #wetlands #dairy #ranch #recovery #wildlife #cattle
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