Adequate Water Series
A Bad Joke Part 2
Continuing from 'A Bad Joke Part 1', this episode more closely explores the abandoned, but still standing, old Tule elk fence while discovering more corpses and and wildlife hazards.
#pointreyes #pointreyesnationalseashore #melaniegunn #nationalseashore #embarrassing #nationalparks #neglect #morality #ethics #fencing #tulelek #fencehazard #wildlife #animals #elk #endangered #nationalpark #california #sf #bayarea #bayareawildlife #californiawildlife
Adequate Water Series Trailer
A taste of what the series will include
Each location will be revealed in a new episode. Stay tuned. |
Series Introduction
Why was this series created?
On September 23rd, 2020, two members of The Point Reyes National Seashore Park staff went on local radio and accused concerned citizens of spreading misinformation while also insisting the elk were just fine with plenty of water. They also distributed a map to the public showing what appeared to be numerous water sources. The very next day two wildlife advocates went out to investigate these water's what they found. Each location will be revealed in a new episode. Stay tuned. |
The Central Ponds (episode 1)
A West Marin resident lets his feeling be known after discovering the grizzly end of two Tule elk at one of the locations the park service marked as a water source within the elk reserve.
I happened to be filming at this dried up pond location when a park ranger showed up to show a news team a muddy seep, thus indicating that the elk had plenty of water. This location appears as three blue splashes on the park service's water map. How adequate does this water source look to you?
South Pond 1 Seeps (episode 3)
Almost comical in its dark irony, we discover that one of the seeps marked by the park service as a water source for the Tule elk is actually blocked from access by what other than...the elk fence. Furthermore we get a glimpse of the prevalent fence hazards present throughout the park.
The North Ponds
The most visually apparent water source in the reserve is North Pond 2 so I'm skipping ahead to talk about this location. Yes, a body of water still exists. Does that mean everything is OK? Depends how quickly you want to write off the needs of wildlife. Interestingly, while all the wildlife in the reserve are "fine" with what little water can be found, the cattle continue to enjoy an endless supply from multiple sources.
Julie Phillips: Elk Biologist Breaks Down Point Reyes
Julie Phillips has studied Tule elk for over 30 years. In this interview she expertly explains everything wrong with the animal and land management taking place in Point Reyes National Seashore. Unlike the "position-filler" serving as the wildlife biologist in Point Reyes, Julie is an actual biologist with a long history of studying these animals. Perhaps what she has to say is worth listening to in contrast to the unsubstantiated claims of a rancher henchman.
Matthew's Observations
Can the effects of heatwaves and drought be seen in the behavior of wild animals?
Death Pond Update
As if the two elk corpses in the mud hole marked as a water source wasn't bad enough, the park service has confirmed that elk are continuing to get stuck in this death trap. What would possess animals that supposedly have ample water (park service quote) options to risk their lives going into this pit of death? Another note, the park service itself referred to this "adequate water source" as a "mud hole". Oops.
#mudhole #water #adequatewater #shameofpointreyes #pointreyes #drought #tuleelk #pointreyesnationalseashore |
6 Seeps
October 9th. Second attempt to film this area - Matthew Polvorosa Kline walks from the seep origin all the way to the beach cliff trying to find water sources that justify the 6 blue dots, indicating 6 seeps of drinking water in one specific region of the park service's water map. All footage and photos by @polvorosa_Kline #adequatewater #seeps #pointreyes #pointreyesnationalseashore #6seeps #water #tulelek #thirst |
Death Fences 1 |
Sadly, the lack of water in the elk reserve wasn't the only obstacle to discover facing the elk and other wildlife suffering under the current park management. #pointreyes #fencing #barbedwire
A Bad Joke: Part 1
Continuing from the last episode of the adequate water series we expand on the theme that blocking access to water is only one of the problems fencing poses to wildlife. And we see an increasing amount of evidence that the park service manages the park in a neglectful and even embarrassing manner.
A Bad Joke: Part 2
I think you'll find this video a bit shocking. Abandoned fences, multiple corpses, wildlife hazards... Are we walking through some crap hole in the middle of Redneckville or are we in a national seashore in California? Our Point Reyes Park Service is embarrassing. #tuleelk #wildlife #barbedwire #pointreyes #pointreyesnationalseashore #fence #ranching
The Park's Excuses - Next Episode
#pointreyes #pointreyesnationalseashore #tuleelk #melaniegunn #parkservicelies #davepress #shameofpointreyes #drought #dyingofthirst #adequatewater