The adequate water series has begun. Every episode can be found here.
Tired of listening to the park service downplay the drought situation facing the trapped Tule elk within Point Reyes National Seashore, two people set out with the parks service's "water sources" map to document the camera themselves.
Interview with Laura Cunningham and Julie Phillips
Two scientists speak of the potential for nature to heal when native plants and animals are allowed to exist together rather than a forced concept of human agriculture and wildlife attempting to exist together. Julie Phillips Tule Elk Biologist Retired College Instructor, Environmental Science and Nature Based Teacher Website: Laura Cunningham California Director Western Watersheds Project Paintings by Laura Cunningham Graphics by Julie Phillips Video footage by Skyler Thomas #tuleelk #renerativefarming #regenerativeranching #nature #science #ecology #pointreyes #livestock #pointreyesnationalseashore |
TAX DEDUCTIBLEThis project is independent and self-funded. The time and financial investment is significant. Support is greatly needed and appreciated.