One of many lies the ranchers spread is that they worked hand in hand with government and park service to create the seashore. Reality is they fought it every step of the way, including testifying in Congress against it.
There are 188 pages of transcripted testimony fighting against the seashore at this link. This does provide a source of humor, however. Just like today, in 1961 the ranchers claimed the dairies would collapse because of this "invasion" and the local economy would follow suit. "The proposed park will bring economic ruin to West Marin." Today's reality is that the park has brought more money to the area than the local businesses ever dreamed, completely dwarfing money generated from the dairies. If you want to see a collapse, close tourism to the park and let the locals survive on just the Point Reyes Dairies.
I'm going to share a few gems from this testimony over the next few weeks, starting with this humorous one about the "chores of cows eating and resting". Lol
"The Point Reyes Peninsula is prime dairy country and the main reason is its isolation. Little traffic disturbs the herds as they graze in the field. Processions of family cars and trailers will create diversions which will distract the cows from attending to their daily chores of grazing and resting and producing the essential food product that makes this industry indispensable to Marin County and to the San Francisco Bay Area. Ah yes, we've all seen how much the cows are disturbed by our cars as they labor away "eating and resting". "In short, the leaseback proposal is completely unworkable. If the park goes in the dairy industry will be destroyed." Each of today's quotes are from Bryan McCarthy, testifying in Congress against the seashore.
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